Dyslexia is a learning disability, but it does not have to hold your child back. Many kids with dyslexia go on to live completely normal lives and hold down completely normal jobs. But getting them to that point can be a bit of a challenge since they typically need a little more help and guidance through the learning process than the average child. How can you help your child with dyslexia learn? Start by following these tips.

1.  Hire a tutor with experience working with dyslexic students.

Spending just an hour per day one-on-one with a tutor can go a long way towards helping your child learn at the same pace as their peers. The tutor can review points of the material your child missed in class, and they can also present the material in different ways than the teacher, making it easier for your child to grasp in spite of their dyslexia.

Make sure the tutor you hire has experience working with children who have dyslexia. Ask your child's teacher for a recommendation, or talk to other parents of students with learning disabilities at your child's school to see who they use. Or, find a dyslexia tutoring program such as Pride Reading Program.

2.  Listen to audiobooks and have your child read along.

Children with dyslexia especially study with reading. You can make reading easier for them by playing an audiobook and helping them read along with the audiobook.

It helps them to see the entire word on a page as they also hear it being said. You can have your child read to themselves, quietly, with an audiobook playing while you're in the car.

3.  Encourage them to play word games.

The more time your child spends working with words, the better. If you can make some of that work with words feel like a game, they will be more encouraged to participate.

Look for games like Scrabble and Pictionary to play at home. Consider downloading versions onto their tablet for them to play when they're bored.

4.  Go over school work at home.

When your child brings worksheets and tests home from school, go over the work with them again. Focus especially on the questions they got wrong.

Be willing to discuss the right answers, and let your child explain why they answered as they did. Sometimes, a child with dyslexia can really benefit from understanding why their answer was wrong -- not just why the correct answer is right.
